Hoya carnosa

The very first Hoya that I ever owned was a carnosa.

It was a very old plant my mother-in-law had for years that she did not want anymore and was on its way to the dumpster! That was Spring of 2016.

I saved the plant and propagated a few mother plants from it. She is now the grandmother of all the carnosa babies that we sell in our plant store. https://sunnyjenni.com/ She flowered for me for the first time in 2017.

This plant has been in the trade for a long, long time so people remember their grandmother having one and passed from generation to generation. 

There are many variegated cultivars, hybrids and other sports of this plant available these days. 

Hoya carnosa is very easy to care for. Drought tolerant and a fast grower if spoiled a little bit. Ones matured, it is a heavy bloomer.

Mine usually takes at least a year or two to bloom from stem cutting. I do not really let my soil dry completely! When the top 2" of soil is dry, it means 'watering day' for me.

They also need bright light in order to bloom.

I grow mine in a regular potting mix and fertilize monthly from early spring to fall. My mother plants will bloom continously from March to October, sometimes longer.

This species is a must have in your collection of house plants. It's a beautiful plant and the fragrant unique looking blossoms are a great bonus.

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