Hoya treubiana

 Hoya treubiana 

Hoya treubiana IML 0124 H154

Formerly known as Hoya melifua spp. fraterna until June 2011 and was described  by Ted Green as Hoya melifua spp. fraterna on 1995.


This species is known for it's multicolored flowers that has butterscotch scent and to have the longest leaves of all hoyas measuring around 12" long and 5" wide . Leaves are glabrous and no evident venation.

I've only had this species for 6 months so it has not flowered for me yet. There are mixed information online about flowering this plant. Some growers say that it's extremely hard to flower this species and some say that treubiana grows extremely fast and flower just as fast. We will see how it does in my care over the next few months so I'm holding off comment for the moment.

I received it as a rooted cutting on June/2021. It readily produced baby leaves for me the first 3 months, but then I would do something that will make the new growth turn yellow and drop. I'm the kind who would hover over my plants everyday, move them around and I can not help touching new growths and overwatering the plants! I realized later that I have to really try hard to leave the plant alone, at least a few days a week, so I did. Only then did it keep a baby leaf and actually grow bigger and soon after that another new leaf started to emerge. 

The 2 leaf rooted cutting has now 8 healthy beautiful leaves 6 months later and growing faster than ever.

 I noticed that it does so much better in high humidity and kind of stops on it's track in cooler temperatures. The night temperatures in the greenhouse where treubiana is currently growing right now (01/05/2022) has dropped to as low as 36F  and I would say that all the Hoyas in there have done really well. Treubiana has stopped growing, but is looking very much alive and healthy.

The smooth long rubbery leaves on this plant are one of my favorite of all Hoya leaves. I recommend adding this to any plant collection just for the rubber looking long leaves and if you are able to get it to bloom, It's gonna be a real treat.

Photos coming soon!  

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